Fareh Rayaneh Fard Co.
This is the official website of Fareh Rayaneh Fard company, a major Iranian distributor of PC hardware and IT solutions. The company is active in sales and after sale services with more than 100 representatives nationwide.
Iran Illuminate Co.
Iran Illuminate Co. is a leader importer and distributor of different test and control equipments in Iran since 1938. The major filed of company's activities are: Hydrometry, Metrology, Soil Sciences, Environmental Protection, orestry and Quality Control.
An online advertising system providing banner advertising and e-mail marketing services. It gives the advertisers the ability of managing their campaigns. ParsAds is a property and a division of ParsMedia.
Eastern Union Pioneers
Eastern Union Pioneers (EUP) is a consultant of education in foreign countries. It works with a variety of UK and other European institutions/universities. We have designed e-u-p.net and promoted EUP services through banner advertising and e-mail marketing.
Iran Shopper
The first Iranian online auction system. Users can add goods and/or services there for free. Its new service is a B2C system created as a virtual shop. IranShopper.com is a property of ParsMedia.
Iran Golden Key
The International Institute of Trade Relation Promotion is one of the largest commercial organizations and trade information centers in Iran. In their website one can buy trade directories and get business consultation. We have designed IranGoldenKey website and promoted their sales by various online advertising methods.
Atieh Roshan
Atiheh Roshan is a reputable human resource consultant firm providing different services for Iranian and International companies. We have designed the Persian part of their website and are now designing the English section. We have also provided online advertising services for some of their clients.